My First Qcast Questions

So these are my first questions I've recorded for my newly downloaded Qcast App! In our #yokefeaturefriday Maddy asked Shabazz at Qcast to find out about him and the Qcast App. Now it was my turn to ask some questions.

I have to admit when I set out to record my questions I was a bit nervous speaking on camera. I'm fine with singing and playing guitar in front of people and being filmed but feel a bit self conscious when its just me talking to a camera lens! Anyway I got over it and started the job in hand.

I named Yokes first Qcast as 'Born to be Creative' as one of values at Yoke is that we believe that everyone is born to be creative in some way. We also think the creative process is good for our well being and can even be a part of a healing process in some cases. I know when I am not actively creating something for a period of time I literally start to feel down and I would go as far as saying that it leads to depression in me. I also know people who in periods of trauma and grief have created some of their best art and music.

For me personally if I don't turn a feeling or longing into some form of music or art , I'm left feeling slightly empty and unsatisfied. For me it gives a purpose to situations good and bad. Also I feel that this is not exclusively just for the stereotypical musician or artist that we normally associate to a 'creative person'. Instead I think anybody who has an idea which they take from being in their head into a tangible reality can have life changing effects on them and those around them.

My grammar is not great and if it wasn't for spell check I'd struggle but there is a story I started writing which is part fictional and part real. It niggles me every time I think about where I was when I stopped writing the story. The synchronicities of where I stopped in my story and what happened in the world shortly after. Anyway It is something for me I need to get finished and get out there. It may not be a best seller or people may not read it but its a process that I know will be good for me.

For today I have waffled enough! I hope you enjoy my questions and please download the app at the

I think although for some (like myself) it may be a bit uncomfortable putting yourself out there but maybe your questions may help others find their answers.



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The Art Of Collage